Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Babies First Outting

The wee ones discover the chickens.

Tobias and Christina


Welcome Spring, Welcome Triplets!

Tuesday March 24, the Ranch welcomed triplets into the world.  My doe Dauntless, gave birth to two boys and a girl.  Mom is doing an amazing job with her new brood.  All three wee ones are healthy and thriving.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Mama, What do you have for me?

Goofy goats!!  No matter how well fed I think these guys are, they're always looking for a handout when I come around.  Pipsqueak is hoping I have a treat for him.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

After the Snow

This shelter flooded due to the snow pack.
I raised the floor with pallets, so the goats
still have a place to hang out.

February started with summer like temperatures, and the snow quickly returned to the earth.  Then winter returned with a vengeance!  Day after day of snow and cold temperatures descended upon the ranch along with Influenza B.  All I was capable of doing was feeding and milking, before returning to bed.  Now that Spring is started to creep in, I'm left with a mess!  Normally, I clear the snow from the chicken run and lower goat houses.  Not this year!  For the first time ever the chicken coop flooded due to too much snow near the "people" door.  They also have a lake around the foundation.  The ducks are thrilled, chickens not so much.  The snow piled up and is now packed down around two of the small shelters I have in the goat pen.  They are taking on water as well.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the warmer temps will continue, so February's snows can completely melt before the Spring snows begin.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

The Golden Hour

There are sunsets when the sun slips behind the mountains in such a way that the world turns gold.  The sky, the trees, and everything out my door is bathed in a golden glow.  There's magic in the air.  I love these brief times when the world is filled with peace and beauty.

Time to Make Cheese!

It is amazing how much milk can accumulate in my fridge!  I'm only getting a quart of a milk a day from my two Nigerian Dwarf does.  At this point there is at least three gallons of milk that need to be made into something.  Cheese!!  I'm learning the joys of cheese making, and now that I'm experimenting with more challenging recipes, it's becoming more fun.  The feta I made was delicious, simple ricotta divine, and now I need to try a hard cheese.  I'm debating between havarti, a farmstead cheese, or cheddar.  More to come!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Star Belly Sneetches

Hi, will you please take a minute to share your experience?
Normally I write about the goings on at the ranch, but I had an interesting conversation yesterday that got me thinking.  I know, dangerous for me!  We now live in a society filled with technology; most of us are on Facebook and shop online.  After the purchase of a good or service, my email is flooded with requests to rate my purchase.  Everyone wants a 5 star rating.  We are becoming a society where "the more stars upon thars," the better.  I admit, I do it too!  If a business has more good reviews than bad, I'll go there instead of visiting the business and forming my own opinion.  We are becoming a society swayed by stars.  Though the opinions of others is great, maybe it's time to start thinking for ourselves again!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Fairy Land

Blue sky's are slowly starting to return, snow crystals cling to each tree, the sun glimmers on the newly fallen snow.  Our forest has turned into a wintry Fairy Land.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Ranch Down!

The past few weeks life on the ranch has been a challenge to say the least.   Illness, snow, and bitter (for Colorado) temperatures have plagued us.  We suffered through a week of Influenza B, lots of meds, upset stomachs from the meds, and now 5th disease.  Below normal temperatures and feet of snow have quieted down the ranch.  The only tasks being completed are the basics, feeding and watering my critters.  Pens are covered in snow, and I'm keeping the deep litter bedding method in the shelters alive and well.  Hopefully, the weather will improve soon, so I can debug the house and freshen up my shelters.  Being cooped up is keeping the family sick and the critters cranky.  Spring should be right around the corner, right?