This shelter flooded due to the snow pack. I raised the floor with pallets, so the goats still have a place to hang out. |
February started with summer like temperatures, and the snow quickly returned to the earth. Then winter returned with a vengeance! Day after day of snow and cold temperatures descended upon the ranch along with Influenza B. All I was capable of doing was feeding and milking, before returning to bed. Now that Spring is started to creep in, I'm left with a mess! Normally, I clear the snow from the chicken run and lower goat houses. Not this year! For the first time ever the chicken coop flooded due to too much snow near the "people" door. They also have a lake around the foundation. The ducks are thrilled, chickens not so much. The snow piled up and is now packed down around two of the small shelters I have in the goat pen. They are taking on water as well. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the warmer temps will continue, so February's snows can completely melt before the Spring snows begin.