Sunday, December 31, 2017

Let's Talk Resolutions

New Year's is just hours away and I'm sure like me, many of you are thinking about your New Year's Resolutions.  Those wonderful goals we set for ourselves at the start of a fresh year only to break them in the first week.  Let's get real, we have good intentions, but changing habits takes a lot of hard work.

We all want to quit a bad habit, eat a little healthier, be a little thinner, and workout a little bit more.  These are all worthy goals, but let's break it down into more "bite-sized" pieces.  There are thousands of diet plans, books, articles, websites, you name it out there.  That's all well and good, there is a lot of good health advice out in cyberspace, but how can you make it work for you?  Start small.  Yes, losing 30 pounds in 2018 or working out 7 days a week are incredible goals, but they can become a little overwhelming.  Weight loss doesn't happen overnight and if it does there is a huge chance you'll gain it all back as quickly as you lost it.  Getting into a fitness routine is incredible, but what happens when you can't work out for various reasons.  Both instances may cause you to give up because you're having trouble sticking to your goal.  I can't let you how many diets I've started over the years that once I had a slip-up, I gave up.

Here are a few simple changes we can all make to help us achieve our 2018 resolutions.

Replace soda with water.  I know, duh! Especially, with the drier winter air, we need extra fluids.   I've switched my family from sugary soda to flavored sparkling water.  Zero calories, zero sugar, and many now have zero sodium it's kind of a no-brainer.  You can find a multitude of amazing flavors too.  Yes, they do lack the sugary sweetness of soda, but it's a great way to hydrate and cut calories.  Find an awesome water bottle (truly this helps) and add flavor to you water.  Check out the graphic below for some fun ways to spice things up.

Stop counting calories.  I hate keeping track of my food!  I can do it for a meal and then I forget all about it.  Instead, eat when you're hungry, but chose whole foods.  Keep your fridge stocked with fresh fruits and veggies.  Yes, eat fruit!  It may have sugar in it, but it's a natural sugar beneficial for our health.  Have you ever seen an overweight gorilla?  I know I haven't and they just eat fruit!  Need a carb snack try air-popped popcorn or roasted nuts.  You can easily pop popcorn in a brown paper lunch bag in the microwave.  Top it with olive, avocado, or coconut oil and your favorite spices.  Craving a sweet treat, EAT IT!  This will prevent you from overeating other junk food to try and curb your craving.

Think outside the box when it comes to fitness.  I have a lofty goal of working out 6 days a week. Some weeks I do, some weeks it doesn't happen.  Instead of getting down about my lack of motivation I've started finding creative ways to stay in shape.  Complete your to-do list while burning calories.  I like to add a lunge as I vacuum for an added boost.  If you're able to, take the stairs at work.  Climbing stairs builds leg muscles, improves cardiovascular health, and burns calories.  Get outside and walk your dog, play with your kids, have a dance party in your living room.  Anything to move your body can improve your health!

We've got a fresh year right around the corner.  Small changes can lead to a lifetime of good health.  Are you ready?

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Gut Health-Simplified

The more I learn about health and nutrition, the more I read about the importance of keeping your gut healthy.  I hadn't realized that a multitude of health issues develop in our guts.  In many circles, it's known as our second brain.  Fun fact; 90% of our serotonin is produced in our intestines.  If you didn't already know serotonin is a hormone that affects our moods.  That alone for me is a huge reason to keep my intestines happy!

I'm not sure if it's Holiday stress or indulging a bit at Holiday parties, but my gut has NOT been happy lately.  TMI alert, but I've been very gassy and bloated.  Trying to return to my usual clean gluten/dairy free diet filled with fruits and veggies didn't help. I added my favorite probiotic to my diet, with no results.  Nothing seemed to help and I was miserable.

Recently, a friend told me about a book called Medical Medium by Anthony William.  It's an interesting look at the cause of many common health problems and how to overcome them.  I finally got to the chapter on gut health, when a light bulb went on.  It made so much sense!  The stress in my life had lowered the production of hydrochloric acid in my stomach hindering digestion.  That was causing all of the intestinal discomfort, my food wasn't digesting properly causing it to basically rot in my intestines.  Interestingly enough you can improve the hydrochloric acid in your stomach with something many of us have in our cupboards; apple cider vinegar (ACV).  My favorite ACV is Bragg's, I've been using it for years for various things, but was amazed to learn it could improve my gut health.  For a week now I've been drinking 2 teaspoons of ACV in 2-3 ounces of water during mealtime.  If I was heading out to a party, I'd drink it before I left.  My gas is gone, my bloating is gone, I don't have to eat white rice for every meal.  I feel amazing!!  I'm not saying this little concoction is the cure-all for your intestinal issues, but it's worth adding to your repertoire to keep your gut a little happier.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Just Be Still

Today I sat still!  For those of you who know me, sitting still is torture.   I need to be doing,  ALL THE TIME!  The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of activity and my body is telling me it's time to rest and regroup.  So this morning, I decided to sit down for my quiet Bible, devotion time after the family left for work and school.  I poured myself some coffee with yummy almond nog, put on the Christmas tunes, and cozied up on the couch.  An hour later I had emptied my coffee cup but filled my soul cup.  I felt more rested, energized and ready to face my day.  This busy Holiday season, take that time for you; rest, regroup.  You aren't being selfish, your people will survive.  Fill your cup, so you can fill theirs.