Monday, July 27, 2015

The Ranch To-do List

Jon and Phe checking out the future gardens.

Here on the Ranch the to-do list is never ending.  I can walk outside and see at least 10 things that need my attention, all of that on top of caring for the critters.  There are raised bed gardens that need to be built and filled with dirt, straw, and manure so they can compost over the winter.  Fences need mending, the new duck pen needs completing, pens need mucking, manure needs moving, I could go on forever.  The bustle of the Ranch keeps me plenty busy.  I often wonder if there will be a time when all that needs to be done is care of the critters.  Only time will tell.     

Saturday, July 25, 2015

All in a days work

Whew!  I'm exhausted.  I finally got to enjoy a sunny day at home.  The farm projects are endless.   Today I began to tackle the new duck pen.  I dug holes, sunk posts,  and with a little help got the cement poured.  All of the pieces of the new duck house have been moved over to the new pen area.    The bucks were photographed so I can update my website.      Finally, I learned how to drive the ATV.  I've refused to learn for 10 years!  Today, I overcame my fears so I can use this crucial piece of farm equipment.   Kudos to me!

Saturday, July 18, 2015


my new favorite food!  Who knew?  I've become addicted to this delicious root veggie.  It's crisp, slightly tangy and is full of health benefits.  Guess the family will be eating more of this!

At first when I found kohlrabi in the CSA share gifted to me, I had no clue what I'd do with it.  Then I found it, kohlrabi fritters.  I would like to try other recipes with this unexpectedly yummy vegetable, but for now the fritters are the champs.

The recipe is simple:

3 kohlrabi, peeled and grated
2 eggs
1/2 cup of flour
sliced green onions (use your discretion)
salt, pepper and garlic to taste

Take the grated kohlrabi, squeeze out excess moisture using some paper towel.  I tried a kitchen towel, after rinsing it, it still took three times through the washer to get the stink out.  Put the dry kohlrabi into a large bowl, mix in the green onions, seasonings, and eggs.  Once mixed slowly add in the flour and mix some more.  

Heat olive oil in a large skillet.  Add a 1/4 cup of kohlrabi mixture to the pan.  The cup left little kohlrabi balls, so I pressed out the fitters with a spatula.  I can usually get 4-5 fritters in the pan at a time.  Cook until each side it golden brown.  Enjoy!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Spending Time in the Kitchen

I am beginning to love to cook when I have the time.  Creating delicious dishes from simple ingredients is exhilarating.  I've never taken myself for a cook and have spent years believing all I could make was something that came out of a box.  Not so anymore!  I have fresh ingredients right out my front door with the chickens and goats.  

Some dear friends blessed my family with their CSA share when they went out of town.  I have to admit some of the veggies aren't ones I normally think to buy.  What in the world am I going to do with radishes, kohlrabi, and turnip greens?  With a little time and creativity, I've created some amazing meals.  The kohlrabi became fritters devoured by my family.  I discovered a wonderful recipe for ricotta and radishes.  I used fresh homemade goat's milk ricotta for this one.  Tonight we'll feast on pork chops with turnip greens.

My body feels amazing eating freshly prepared meals.  The abundance of summer produce is bringing out my creative side.  What new and exciting meals can I feed my family?  Good bye processed food in a box, hello fresh fare from the field!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Sweet Babies

Jon and Ophelia, 1 week old.

Sweet Ophelia
Jon Snow

July 5, two beautiful babies came into this world.  My two-year-old doe, Sweet Candy, gave birth to a spectacular doeling and buckling.  Both babies have blue eyes and wattles.  Of course, I missed the delivery but was out shortly after Ophelia was born.  These two little ones are truly a miracle.