Thursday, May 28, 2015


Nigerian Dwarf goats may not produce gallons of milk a day, but that doesn't mean you can't get a goo amount of milk from them.  Yesterday, my two does, Webi and Dauntless gave me a half gallon of milk.  Not too shabby from two miniature breed goats!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

A Tale of Two Brothers

Peter and Tobias

It's like a caprine version of Jerry Springer.  Two bucklings, born to the same mother minutes apart, but with two different daddies.  

Dauntless, the boys mama.
On March 24, Dauntless, gave birth to a beautiful set of triplets, two bucklings and a doeling.  Dauntless has been in my buck pen from mid-October to mid-November.  During that time, I had two bucks living there.  Valentine, who would stay at the ranch, and Cupid, who was just there to keep Valentine company. 

BOHICA ACRES Valentine, Peter's daddy.

As I prepare to register the bucklings, I needed to figure out who the baby daddy was.

BOHICA ACRES Spyro Moon, Tobias's daddy.

Surprise!  The boys, born minutes apart have two different daddies.  I'm still in shock.  This is a hilarious twist in my goat adventure.

Thursday, May 21, 2015


That is the one word that best describes my new buck.  Red is amazing.  I am so excited about my future herd sire!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Happy Goat Baby!

Woohoo, Milk!

I have just started locking the two bucklings in a dog crate at night,  so I can milk their mama in the morning.   Today I milked my usual two, Webi and Erudite.  Then I milked Dauntless, who hadn't nursed  her boys since the night before.  I ended up with five cups of milk at the end of milky, milky time. Tonight I got another pint plus of milk from my three does ending my day with about  a half gallon of milk.  Score!!   The extra milk is perfect  with a bottle baby in the house.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Rose Petal Diaries-Entry #1, May 3

Thursday, April 30, Rose Petals the goat came to stay at the Ranch.  Her mama had rejected her and my breeder friend was having trouble getting her to take a bottle.  Luckily, I have plenty of extra hands to help in such an emergency.  The first battle was to get little Rosie to take a bottle.  Nigerian Dwarf kids are tiny, their mamas' teats aren't too big either, so I've found that Gerber baby bottles do the trick.  By nine o'clock at night, I was beginning to get her to take a bottle.  Friday, she spent her day with me, eating every 2 hours give or take.  I got 16 ounces of goat's milk into the wee one, yesterday she drank 20 ounces.  I've given her Nutri-Drench and Probios as I try to get her rumen working properly.

Rosie has become buddies with every cat and dog in the house.  Her first night here, our lab mix, Buster couldn't keep his eyes off of her.  Yesterday, Rosie played "tag" with Boo, the cat.  We are all smitten with this tiny, blue-eyed creature.  As I type this, one-handed, Rosie is resting on my lap.  I'm seeing her get stronger, more active each day.  Her rumen is starting to kick in, AND she's starting to poop.  A basic function Rosie was struggling with.  I was just going to keep Rosie long enough to get her eating and build her strength.  Now I think she's found a forever home at Big Buck Ranch!

Saturday, May 2, 2015