Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Wasting Time

I have spent the last hour plus sipping decaf, chatting with a friend via Facebook Messenger about her new litter of pups and cleaning out my email. This slow paced, stress-free time feels like a guilty pleasure with my massive to do list filled with in home work and running around outside of the house yet to do.  I should have gotten hubby's lunch ready for today, feed the outdoor critters, and gotten ready to head to the gym for today's round of FORTitude training.  But sitting down quietly reading emails I'd ignore and unsubscribing to the ones I'm tired of deleting has been a peaceful exercise in my fast passed day.  

I've been going 100 miles an hour lately and it's taking its toll.  I'm feeling irritable, exhausted and plain burnt out.  Unfortunately, when this happens my family takes the brunt of my mommy madness.  There are only a couple of weeks until school starts I'd like like to take advantage of this time.  Yes, life is busy and messy right now.  I need to enjoy these quiet times to give myself a mental break and fill my cup.  I'm not going to be any good to my loved ones around me unless I put on my oxygen mask first.  

Today, take time for yourself.  Even for 5 minutes!  Play that dumb game on your phone you love so much, rock out to your favorite song, shut your eyes, do something that brings you peace so you can hit the ground running with a renewed energy.  Happy Tuesday!

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