“What Makes Someone a Runner? A ‘Real Runner’?” A Foodie Stays Fit, 26 July 2016, www.afoodiestaysfit.com/2016/07/my-thoughts-on-being-labeled-a-runner-or-not/.
Today is day #1 of my half marathon training. I'm excited and a wee bit nervous. I was that kid that hated running the mile in gym class. It's so far!! I usually walked most of it, and then had to run it again because I didn't get the time I needed for the Presidential Physical Fitness Test. Who remembers that? My mild asthma would kick in, my mouth tasted like metal, and I generally thought I would die. I swore I would never run again! Then again there are countless things I swore I would never do again as an adult, yet have come to enjoy. Remember the Rangerette sewing project, mom? Fast forward to now and I love to run. Although I always thought of myself as only a 5k runner. 3.1 miles, that's doable.
Last summer I was gifted the opportunity to run a 10k. Ok, 6.2 miles I think I can handle that. I had been running since the beginning of the summer and with the help of a good team and training plan, was up to the challenge. On Labor Day 2017, I ran the FORTitude 10k with the Channel 2 News Team. It was an amazing experience and once again, I didn't die. Now I knew I could run 6 miles, so being a glutton for punishment and slightly jealous of other athletic friends doing the same thing, decided I too could run a half marathon.
In January I signed up for the Georgetown to Idaho Springs Half Marathon scheduled for August. I've been told by those adorable athletic friends that it's a good beginner race since it's mostly downhill. It's harder on your knees, but I could run downhill for days!! I've spent countless hours creating a training plan that I can stick to and mold to my busy family schedule. I've got exactly 10 weeks until the big race. Mondays will be easy days with long runs scheduled for Fridays or Saturdays. Last weekend I ran 8 miles, so I'm well on my way to 13.1.
So, today marks the beginning of a new adventure for this kid who swore she would never run a mile again. Nope, I'll never run just a mile again, I'll run 13.1 miles and keep on going!
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