Sunday, May 25, 2014

Rain, rain go away

The dog and chicken run have recently flooded.

It has been raining for so long here, I've forgotten the last time it was dry.  The pastures and pens are stinky, mucky messes.  I'm worried about thrush in the horses and hoof rot in the goats, at this point there isn't anything I can do to combat it.  Heavy rains have flooded the pens creating waterfalls in odd spots.  Luckily there are lulls between the storms to allow for some drainage.  I'm seeing green in the horse pen where there hasn't been any and wising I had gotten my raised beds planted before our storms.   In the back of my mind fear lingers that this abundant rain will give way to weeks of dry weather.  In Colorado our weather seems to be feast or famine, either we get lots of moisture or nothing.

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